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Viv Kendon

Viv Kendon

Chair of CCP-QC
Works in University of Strathclyde, UK
Leads CCP-QC
Researches in quantum computing, especially quantum walks and quantum annealing. Past work includes Lattice Boltzmann simulations of fluid mixtures.

Alin M Elena

Alin M Elena

Works in Daresbury Laboratory, UK
Coordinates various CCP-QC activities
Physicist by training with background in statistical physics and electronic structure methods, works as computational scientist at Daresbury Laboratory Scientific Computing Department.
Peter Coveney

Peter Coveney

Member of Advisory Team
Works in UCL, UK
advises CCP-QC
Sir Peter Knight

Sir Peter Knight

Member of Advisory Team
Works in Imperial College London, UK
advises CCP-QC
Sir Peter Knight FRS is Senior Research Investigator Blackett Lab, Imperial College London and Chair of the Quantum Metrology Institute, National Physical Laboratory
Sir Richard Catlow

Sir Richard Catlow

Member of Advisory Team
Works in University of Cardiff, UK
advises CCP-QC
Halim Kusumaatmaja

Halim Kusumaatmaja

Member of Management Team
Works in University of Edinburgh, UK
Member of Management Team
Jason Reese Chair of Multiscale Fluid Dynamics at the School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh. Interested in developing advanced simulation methods, including quantum computing, to model complex fluid flows and interfacial phenomena.
John Buckeridge

John Buckeridge

Deputy co-chair of CCP-QC
Works in London South Bank University, UK
deputy co-chair of CCP-QC
My research consists of the development and application of techniques to model semiconducting materials for energy and microelectronic applications. I focus on the role played by point defects, that is atoms missing from or in the ‘wrong’ positions in a crystal, which is key to the optical and electronic properties of semiconductors. I am particulary interested in how quantum computers can facilitate a step change in the power and accuracy of electronic structure calculations for realistic systems.
Oliver Brown

Oliver Brown

Member of Management Team
Works in University of Edinburgh, UK
Member of Management Team
Dr Oliver Thomson Brown is a Chancellor’s Fellow at EPCC, the University of Edinburgh’s centre for supercomputing and data science. He leads EPCC’s Quantum Group, and his research interests include scalable high-performance classical simulation of quantum computing, implementing and benchmarking applications of quantum computers, and programming models for hybrid HPC-QC. His background is in many-body quantum theory and he has worked at EPCC since finishing his PhD in 2018.
Petros Wallden

Petros Wallden

Deputy co-chair of CCP-QC
Works in University of Edinburgh, UK
deputy co-chair of CCP-QC
Background in Quantum Computation, Quantum Information Theory and Quantum Cryptography. Researching verification and benchmarking of digital and analogue quantum devices (universal and simulators), and quantum algorithms.
Animesh Datta

Animesh Datta

Member of Management Team
Works in University of Warwick, UK
management team of CCP-QC
Animesh Datta’s research interests include developing quantum algorithms for digital quantum simulations, their accreditation and verification in noisy implementations, and the identification of experimental requirements for near- and long-term quantum processors that can provide reliable results on large problems.
Dieter Jaksch

Dieter Jaksch

Member of Management Team
Works in University of Hamburg, Germany
management team of CCP-QC
Dieter Jaksch’s current research interests include developing quantum algorithms for early generation quantum computers, e.g. for solving non-linear partial differential equations and optimization problems, and extending quantum optical techniques towards controlling quantum materials.
Gabriele De Chiara

Gabriele De Chiara

Member of Management Team
Works in Queen’s University Belfast, UK
management team of CCP-QC
Gabriele received his PhD from Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa, Italy). He held a postdoctoral position in Trento (Italy) and the Juan de la Cierva Fellowship in Barcelona (Spain) before joining Queen’s University Belfast (UK) as a Lecturer in 2011. His interests are within the area of quantum technologies, trapped ions and ultracold atoms.
Ivan Rungger

Ivan Rungger

Member of Management Team
Works in National Physical Laboratory, UK
management team of CCP-QC
Ivan leads the theoretical and computational modelling team in the quantum information processing group at NPL. The primary area of research is on the theoretical and computational modelling of nanoscale devices and on software development for both classical high performance computing architectures and for quantum computers. The used tools are mainly based on density functional theory (DFT) and the non-equilibrium Green’s function (NEGF) formalism. Ivan is one of the main developers of the Smeagol quantum transport code.
James Benstead

James Benstead

Member of Management Team
Works in AWE, UK
management team of CCP-QC
James’ research covers various aspects of theoretical nuclear physics. As part of this he is interested in potential applications of quantum computing to calculating properties of nuclear systems.
James Thorne

James Thorne

Member of Management Team
Works in NQCC, UK
management team of CCP-QC
Nick Chancellor

Nick Chancellor

Member of Management Team
Works in Newcastle University, UK
management team of CCP-QC
Nick is a physicist by training and his research focuses on quantum computing in continuous time using methods such as quantum walks and quantum annealing. Also interested in establishing a process to develop near term use cases for quantum computing.
Peter Haynes

Peter Haynes

Member of Management Team
Works in Imperial College London, UK
management team of CCP-QC
Background in large-scale first-principles electronic structure calculations. Researching simple models to demonstrate capability of NISQ devices for molecular and materials modelling.
Sarah Anne Harris

Sarah Anne Harris

Member of Management Team
Works in University of Sheffield, UK
management team of CCP-QC
is a Principal Investigator in the School of Mathematics and Physical Sciences at the University of Sheffield. Her research uses computer simulations to understand the physical mechanisms underlying biological processes at the molecular level. She has a strong interest in both High Performance Computing (HPC) and simulation method development, and is incoming Chair of the Computational Collaborative Project for Biomolecular Simulation (CCP-BioSim).
Scott Woodley

Scott Woodley

Member of Management Team
Works in UCL, UK
management team of CCP-QC
Professor of Computational Chemistry and Physics Co-organiser of the initial town meeting held in London 2019 that led to the creation of CCP-QC. Member of UK’s Materials Chemistry Consortium (MCC) and the Materials Molecular Modelling (MMM) Hub.
Steven Lind

Steven Lind

Member of Management Team
Works in University of Cardiff, UK
management team of CCP-QC
Reader in Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics. Interested in developing quantum algorithms for particle-based systems and numerical models for broad engineering application.
Stewart Clark

Stewart Clark

Member of Management Team
Works in Durham University, UK
management team of CCP-QC